Thursday, March 18, 2021

It’s Discrimination.

We all are FREE PEOPLE... no one should forced or COERCED by verbal attacks for exercising their individual CIVIL LIBERTIES. Don’t like those who don’t wear masks over their noses and mouths? Stay away from them. Don’t like those who choose to cover their airways and in turn, inhale carbon dioxide? Stay away from them. Don’t appreciate posts like Neal’s here - NOT CONCLUDING, but presenting food for thought? You have the choice to scroll past OR leave attacks, subtle or not so subtle. We ALL are FREE to speak or not to speak. 

I’m personally SICK of the rampant FORCE of one’s view as “better” than another... Someone I love wears the face covering so others won’t be afraid of her... It’s lovely of her, although not truthful... She knows it doesn’t prevent virus transmission and she learns more from me daily about INDIVIDUAL CIVIL LIBERTIES. We ALL should remain free to choose our path in life. 

The “medical discrimination” being allowed to continue this past year by business owners who enforce the face coverings is in my view OUTRAGEOUS and CRIMINAL. We aren’t allowed to prevent a blind person from entering our business, but will force a mask onto someone who has medical or psychological reasons to AVOID covering their faces? Or prevent them from entering? It’s DISCRIMINATION. 

I’ll be glad when the discrimination ends.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Fight Against Censor ship

I’ve tried to research certain controversial issues - for instance, whether or not the US turned into a corporation in the 1800s... I still don’t know, and who do I ask? A friend or family member? Because THEY know absolute Truth?? Ummm... no. So I have a hard time trusting any lawyer or judge who ultimately decides what Truth officially is. Are judges corrupt? YES. I have PERSONAL experience with corrupt/ LYING judges and certain attorneys/ lawyers. Judges and politicians can write into LAW absolute absurdities that I DON’T THINK IS TRUTH... but there’s not a damn thing I can do about that... Neither can you. 

Except SHOUT OUR TRUTH! Or speak it more calmly... 🤣😜 I’m a bit passionate sometimes.... Ugh! 🤬🙏.... 😢.... I feel like we are literally AT WAR for our FREEDOM. 

If you’ve never lost your freedom to speak or to act or to move... you may not understand, but as a human being, you likely have the ability to empathize with other human beings. Go watch a movie about the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and Martin Luther King Jr. Was it Selah? Trying to remember the last one I saw years ago...... powerful demonstration of the FIGHT and PEACEFUL PROTESTS. Many people of all ethnicities have lost their lives fighting and/ or peacefully protesting for LIBERTY. 

More people are apparently comfortable being chained as literal slaves instead of fighting... I pray we aren’t all headed there, but the slavery is as real as the mask on the faces You see in public. Are you in the 1% NOT wearing a covering over your airway like I am and some friends and family are? Well... I’m happy for us who STAND FOR TRUTH and FREEDOM!! — Not sure what it’ll get us when 99% of everyone else seems to enjoy the LIES and CHAINS.

God is more powerful and He/ She ALONE will make the change possible. He/ She WORKS THROUGH US!! No, we can’t force anyone to accept the truth we KNOW... but it is entirely possible for people to CHANGE THEIR MINDS. 🙏 Let God work miraculously!! 

On the other hand, I know God ALLOWS for what “feels bad” (a Unity message I learned). “It’s all good”... I don’t disagree actually, and it certainly feels like evil is winning sometimes... But I know God is in control ALWAYS. If God wants to destroy this planet and allow human beings to destroy ourselves, He/ She WILL. 🤷‍♀️ It’s NOT UP TO US. —- Unless, we trust that God works THROUGH US for GOOD RESULTS!! 🙏 

The conflict in me arises because I believe in both the God within each and every human being AND a Supreme Being... I believe in GOOD winning over anything evil. I believe we all were created by Love to Love!! 

Re-member Who You Are! ❤️ 

I also believe in a dangerous mental illness that inspires certain people to force THEIR WILL onto others... Sadly, this insanity seems much more widespread than the GOOD I have seen lately... 🙏 

It’s all very interesting at a certain level... Who will die? Who will survive the next few years on this planet? Friends and family could die any day, from any number of causes. THIS IS TRUE AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. 🙏 Amazing to me how few people I encounter know this truth... and really sad too. They actually believe THEY and EVERYONE THEY LOVE will live “forever” so they are SHOCKED when anyone dies. Death is real. Death is happening due to the CHOICES people are making to receive the covid “jab”... or “shot” as Trump calls it. YES, there are unknown risks and MANY are accepting the risk as “rare”... Ok. 🤷‍♀️ We shall see how rare that Risk is... or if that even matters if it’s YOUR loved one who dies tragically. I won’t take the risk, since I know God has provided everything in nature to heal me and my loved ones. I am grateful for medical intervention in the case of emergency.... and what is being called a “deadly” virus is not what I consider emergency when most people survive the symptoms. 🙏🙏🙏 

You do you, Boo. 🙏 

I will continue to pray for us all. 🙏. 

Let FREEDOM ring!!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Audrey’s Birth Story

 Audrey’s birth story: (very long, detailed) 

After an “immaculate conception” 🤣, I never considered abortion for my child but adoption lingered in my mind until my 8th month of pregnancy. I was separated from my first husband, pregnant with another man’s child, a stranger to me - we weren’t together, and I had a strong “Spiritual” voice suggesting that I might need time just for developing myself. I married directly from my parents house and separated twice, the final one after 2 yrs of marriage. I barely felt like I was even pregnant, I worked two jobs at one point - Casual Corner ladieswear sales and Denny’s waitress. I moved in temporarily with a friend before getting my own apartment. At 5 months pregnant, I met a wonderful man who worked at Marble Slab Icecream not far from the store where I worked in the mall. We dated for about a year. I think he was present when my water broke... we were watching a movie at my moms house (I guess I moved back in right before Audrey’s birth). 

I thought Audrey was going to be a boy “Izak Sebastian”... As the 5th daughter of 6, with no brothers, the idea of having a boy scared me at first, so I prepared early on for this possibility. Every ultrasound, her legs were crossed so it wasn’t clear. One of my sisters bought a precious baby girl outfit and said “there’s nothing There on the ultrasound”... she was sure, but I wasn’t. So my water broke, and my mother, my dads sister who was visiting, my little sister who was 12 or 13 and my boyfriend all got into my moms car and drove about an hour to a hospital in downtown Houston. I don’t remember why I didn’t use one of the other hospitals closer to us, perhaps because of my doctor. 

So, I got to the hospital room, then hooked me and baby up to monitoring devices (a belly band over me to check her vitals) - everything seemed ok, although about a week prior to this day, I began to notice discolored discharge when I went to the bathroom. I could still feel her moving some, and I wasn’t concerned. At the hospital, I was informed that she likely passed meconium - a bowel movement in utero signals a bit of distress. The baby could possibly inhale the meconium, so I was treated very carefully. Several interns came to observe. 😳🤦‍♀️🤣 I was still fairly innocent at this point in my life, so it was a bit embarrassing but I rolled with it. My boyfriend and my aunt waited in the hallway. My little sister sat in the corner of the room, my mom held my hand. I had a painful epidural which only relieved the pain halfway... so the anesthesiologist poked my back again, which I didn’t feel at all. I was grateful to not feel the intense pain of contractions. At one point, my Little Sister was at my feet saying “I see the head!” 😳🤣 

When in active labor, the OB on call used a suction extraction to help her out. I used a breathing technique I read about that I thought would be more gentle for my baby and for me. “Exhale push”... When the doctor said, “ok we’re gonna try this one more time” I think due to her vitals showing distress, I pushed really hard and was successful at birthing my baby... girl. Yes, my sister was right. I was wrong.. and I wasn’t actually sure about the name. I liked Hillary and Audrey... Audrey stuck since I’m a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn. Sileas as her middle name was a suggestion by one of my sisters - the Scottish version of my mother’s middle name, Cecile. 

When they handed my baby to me, she was the most beautiful angel I’d ever seen! —- 😳🤣 No, that’s not how it went. Due to the suction extraction, her head was shaped like a cone, and her face was smashed sort of flat... I can’t remember details, but she was a hideous looking creature in my eyes. I had already decided against adoption, because I couldn’t arrange for an open adoption (I wanted to stay in contact, even if she was raised by someone else). So, I thought to myself “I will Love her anyway”. My mother immediately said how beautiful she was, and I didn’t agree... maybe the thoughts in my head came out as a response. They suctioned her lungs immediately before even handing her to me. She nursed easily, right away, and we were transferred to a private room. 

My boyfriend and my aunt visited us for a bit, and my mom and sister stayed awhile longer. Audrey stayed in my room in a small hospital bassinet. Within a few hours, she was indeed a most beautiful angel. The misshapen appearance of her head and face were temporary... my mom knew this from experience. I was nicely surprised. 😉 

My mom agreed to keep her eyes on Audrey if she was ever to leave my room. A sense I had about the idea of my baby being kidnapped or switched accidentally... my mother agreed. This hospital had a history of this happening, but I didn’t know until later. (Spiritual messages are important!) At one point after nursing Audrey, she began vomiting dark colored blood ... I think the nurse may have been in the room at the time and scooped Audrey up from her little bed and ran to the other area to attend to her. My mom followed, and I feebly attempted to get out of bed and followed to the door... I stayed there praying. I quickly learned that Audrey was fine - she hadn’t inhaled the meconium (baby’s first bowel movements are black) but she ingested it. I’m guessing they suctioned her tiny stomach somehow... I didn’t see. But they returned Audrey to my room shortly afterwards, and my mom took my little sister home. I was alone for awhile with my newborn Audrey, amazed at this little life in my care. I was so grateful and knew that keeping her would be a blessing... I soon learned a tremendous love for Audrey that I credited this child with teaching me. I verbally expressed my love for her multiple times daily... this wasn’t the practice in my family of origin and felt very new for me. Interestingly, this practice of verbally expressing “I love you” seemed to be contagious with some members of my extended family. I know it was because of Audrey. ❤️ 

God allowed her to come into my life, our lives... I’m forever grateful and pray she enjoys this day and at least 70 more, before God calls her home. 🙏

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Have we always had choice?

It is written that God created Man and Woman with free will, the ability to choose the actions we take. This is one reason I truly believe any type of forcing our will onto others is wrong, except in self defense or emergency situations - child really wants to get killed by running in front of a moving car? I doubt it. So, I would indeed force that child away from the road. Other real life situations allow for the judgment of right or wrong, especially with parenting differences. 🤷‍♀️ I parent my children very differently than some people, and I try to avoid judging other parents, including those who appear to perpetuate the cycles of fear and anger, or “punishment and reward”, as I’ve learned by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg and Non-violent Communication. More about that another time, since that likely is my biggest passion. 

I shared this thought on Facebook: 

“Ever wonder why some children are conceived in the natural way and others aren’t? A theory I heard recently is that we have choice from conception - from that very spark of light science has documented. 

Powerful children!”

And then this comment:

I learned from The Celestine Prophecy years ago about the idea of “soul groups” and literally have had visions of my children and me in heaven... I chose my dysfunctional family of origin, thinking I could help them grow (I’ve recently blocked from Facebook my mom and 5 sisters, and brothers in law... but I stay connected in person to some of them, especially my mom!) - What I share about my journey offends them, and that’s never my intention. - I envision my oldest daughter, who chose to live with my mother instead of with me when she was a teen, intended to be born instead of me at that time. 😳 (It’s a vision I can’t prove, and don’t focus on too much... just an interesting theory in my mind.) 

Then, I envision my second daughter - born 10 yrs after my oldest - intended to be born first, but her sister “stole” her place. 😜 🤷‍♀️ Something about their personalities that lends to my belief in this idea. First daughter - sweet, mild mannered, first tantrum at 7 yrs old. Second daughter, c section for refusal to be born (2 weeks early - my fault 🤣... she was 8 pounds, I figured she was cooked enough at 38 weeks and I was soooo sick of having symptoms of morning sickness symptoms for 9 months... I forgive myself. I got lucky that she’s perfectly healthy and has been since birth), Sweet baby until her first tantrum at 7 MONTHS old, I literally would tell her - “you can’t! You’re only 7 months old!” 🤣, taught herself to read with just a little help from me at age 2, then she seemed to mellow around age 5. 😜 Always I sensed OLD SOUL. Her father was a singer songwriter and actor who terminated his legal parenting rights when our daughter was a month old, but we stayed friends until he died when she was 7. 😳😢 I’ve often wondered about “predestination”... if this was the reason my second daughter knew how to sing the blues as a very young child, with a certain understanding of the meaning behind the lyrics... A lot of sadness we have survived. My “dead ex” makes his presence known to us pretty often 😳 ... interesting lessons we’ve learned about the after life from William - our guardian angel, born 2/22 - these past 8 yrs... 

Then my prince, “man of my dreams”... happened to come through a decade ago when I was visiting the Big Island of Hawaii. I went alone, hoping to meet a certain man, we did meet and shared a few days of romance including sex which resulted in my son coming through! 😜 I’ve always dreamed of meeting a wonderful man to be my partner in life. Never did I think I would give birth to him. It’s not a romantic relationship (yuck) but certainly a partnership, just as I shared with my daughters. - All three of my pregnancies 10 yrs and 6 yrs apart seem to be immaculate! 😳🤣🤷‍♀️ I’ve told them and others “I’ve had sex more than 3 times in my life...” 🤣


I don’t know how long Facebook will be around or how long I will choose to “play” there. I appreciate remembering this blogspot I created so many years ago... feels like another life! 🤣 My daughter Audrey has encouraged me to write more and said she really appreciated reading my thoughts when she was a child. 

Audrey was the one who taught me how to love. More on this later. ❤️

This week I registered and 

Re-member Who You Are! ❤️ 

Friday, September 11, 2020

November 12, 2005

(Published 9/11/2020... written 11/12/2005) 

You are capable of MANY things 

(The simplicity of this one caught me by surprise... )