Thursday, March 18, 2021

It’s Discrimination.

We all are FREE PEOPLE... no one should forced or COERCED by verbal attacks for exercising their individual CIVIL LIBERTIES. Don’t like those who don’t wear masks over their noses and mouths? Stay away from them. Don’t like those who choose to cover their airways and in turn, inhale carbon dioxide? Stay away from them. Don’t appreciate posts like Neal’s here - NOT CONCLUDING, but presenting food for thought? You have the choice to scroll past OR leave attacks, subtle or not so subtle. We ALL are FREE to speak or not to speak. 

I’m personally SICK of the rampant FORCE of one’s view as “better” than another... Someone I love wears the face covering so others won’t be afraid of her... It’s lovely of her, although not truthful... She knows it doesn’t prevent virus transmission and she learns more from me daily about INDIVIDUAL CIVIL LIBERTIES. We ALL should remain free to choose our path in life. 

The “medical discrimination” being allowed to continue this past year by business owners who enforce the face coverings is in my view OUTRAGEOUS and CRIMINAL. We aren’t allowed to prevent a blind person from entering our business, but will force a mask onto someone who has medical or psychological reasons to AVOID covering their faces? Or prevent them from entering? It’s DISCRIMINATION. 

I’ll be glad when the discrimination ends.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Fight Against Censor ship

I’ve tried to research certain controversial issues - for instance, whether or not the US turned into a corporation in the 1800s... I still don’t know, and who do I ask? A friend or family member? Because THEY know absolute Truth?? Ummm... no. So I have a hard time trusting any lawyer or judge who ultimately decides what Truth officially is. Are judges corrupt? YES. I have PERSONAL experience with corrupt/ LYING judges and certain attorneys/ lawyers. Judges and politicians can write into LAW absolute absurdities that I DON’T THINK IS TRUTH... but there’s not a damn thing I can do about that... Neither can you. 

Except SHOUT OUR TRUTH! Or speak it more calmly... 🤣😜 I’m a bit passionate sometimes.... Ugh! 🤬🙏.... 😢.... I feel like we are literally AT WAR for our FREEDOM. 

If you’ve never lost your freedom to speak or to act or to move... you may not understand, but as a human being, you likely have the ability to empathize with other human beings. Go watch a movie about the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT and Martin Luther King Jr. Was it Selah? Trying to remember the last one I saw years ago...... powerful demonstration of the FIGHT and PEACEFUL PROTESTS. Many people of all ethnicities have lost their lives fighting and/ or peacefully protesting for LIBERTY. 

More people are apparently comfortable being chained as literal slaves instead of fighting... I pray we aren’t all headed there, but the slavery is as real as the mask on the faces You see in public. Are you in the 1% NOT wearing a covering over your airway like I am and some friends and family are? Well... I’m happy for us who STAND FOR TRUTH and FREEDOM!! — Not sure what it’ll get us when 99% of everyone else seems to enjoy the LIES and CHAINS.

God is more powerful and He/ She ALONE will make the change possible. He/ She WORKS THROUGH US!! No, we can’t force anyone to accept the truth we KNOW... but it is entirely possible for people to CHANGE THEIR MINDS. 🙏 Let God work miraculously!! 

On the other hand, I know God ALLOWS for what “feels bad” (a Unity message I learned). “It’s all good”... I don’t disagree actually, and it certainly feels like evil is winning sometimes... But I know God is in control ALWAYS. If God wants to destroy this planet and allow human beings to destroy ourselves, He/ She WILL. 🤷‍♀️ It’s NOT UP TO US. —- Unless, we trust that God works THROUGH US for GOOD RESULTS!! 🙏 

The conflict in me arises because I believe in both the God within each and every human being AND a Supreme Being... I believe in GOOD winning over anything evil. I believe we all were created by Love to Love!! 

Re-member Who You Are! ❤️ 

I also believe in a dangerous mental illness that inspires certain people to force THEIR WILL onto others... Sadly, this insanity seems much more widespread than the GOOD I have seen lately... 🙏 

It’s all very interesting at a certain level... Who will die? Who will survive the next few years on this planet? Friends and family could die any day, from any number of causes. THIS IS TRUE AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. 🙏 Amazing to me how few people I encounter know this truth... and really sad too. They actually believe THEY and EVERYONE THEY LOVE will live “forever” so they are SHOCKED when anyone dies. Death is real. Death is happening due to the CHOICES people are making to receive the covid “jab”... or “shot” as Trump calls it. YES, there are unknown risks and MANY are accepting the risk as “rare”... Ok. 🤷‍♀️ We shall see how rare that Risk is... or if that even matters if it’s YOUR loved one who dies tragically. I won’t take the risk, since I know God has provided everything in nature to heal me and my loved ones. I am grateful for medical intervention in the case of emergency.... and what is being called a “deadly” virus is not what I consider emergency when most people survive the symptoms. 🙏🙏🙏 

You do you, Boo. 🙏 

I will continue to pray for us all. 🙏. 

Let FREEDOM ring!!